Roasted Potatoes

Ok so these are what I call koftas Mine are with beef but lamb works really well. Recipe. 500 g mince ( always better if ur own ) Grate 1/2 onion on fine setting Grate a thumb of fresh ginger 1/2 cup chopped mixed herbs can include parsley, mint, thyme, oregano, sage – just […]

Ok so these are what I call koftas. Mine are with beef but lamb works really well. Recipe 500 g mince ( always better if ur own ) Grate 1/2 onion on fine setting Grate a thumb of fresh ginger 1/2 cup chopped mixed herbs can include parsley, mint, thyme, oregano, sage – just a […]
Seasonal Plantings
Connecting To Nature’s Seasonal Rhythms We are all aware of the seasonal flows throughout the year and if we really think about it every plant will have it’s optimum time and conditions in which the seeds will germinate, florish and grow. We make our gardening lives so much easier and our success rate much greater […]
Roasted beetroot, fresh greens, potatoes and nasturtium salad

4 medium beetroot ( if the green tops are fresh keep them to use too ) 12 baby potatoes ( or chunks cut of large ones or sweet potato pieces ) 4 cups shredded fresh greens including beetroot tops, baby rocket, mustard greens, baby spinach, or any other green you may like 1 cup shredded […]