Connecting To Nature’s Seasonal Rhythms

We are all aware of the seasonal flows throughout the year and if we really think about it every plant will have it’s optimum time and conditions in which the seeds will germinate, florish and grow. We make our gardening lives so much easier and our success rate much greater when we learn to be in tune with this natural cycle.
Try to take note of your successes and non succeses in your plantings. Note that all plants with threir fruits above the ground should be planted on an ascending moon and all root fruiting plants on a decending moon as a general rule

Below are some suggested planting times that have been successful for me Please use this aa a gguidline and not a hard and fast rule. The seasons are achanging and we need to be flexible and aware of our own natural rythms within our own eco-systems.
Walls, trees, proximity to water, slope, mountains, soil type, concrete, height of plantings all can make such a difference so start to build your own guide
General seasonal planting and gardening guide – s hemisphere.
( Please note this can be inverted to a certain degree for the N Hemisphere but there are some exceptions. The danger of frost and non-germination in cold soils are a serious consideration so shift the dates out if you need to. )
I start many of my seeds in a greenhouse or on windowsill and if you are really keen you can place them on an electric blanket to get a head start.
Hot season -Keep all well watered, MULCH, mow lawns longer to protect from heat. No planting now. Build compost heaps, keep shrubs neat. Fertilize roses and flowering shrubs, give precious plants extra attention with worm tea / seaweed extract or comphrey tea… anything to boost their immune system. A dose of zinc will do that for the plant as it does for our bodies .Harvest veges and have fun processing and preserving for winter.
Water Roses 2ce a week. Spray for peats and fungus with only natural remedies found in this website, MULCH, FEED with good weeds. Have a look at companion planting for plant health Make pavers for new areas. Turn compost heaps and water them again. Harvest veges and keep weeding. Collect horse manure for blanket. If cooler can divide irises. Can try lavender cuttings but don’t cut too far back into the thick wood. Prepare all seed beds for planting…. Some in sun and some in semi shade. Sort through your saved seeds and plan your garden for the next season. Purchase seeds you are needing now like you brassica family, broadbeans, pea family, spinach, cold climate seeds. Source organically.
Busy time.. plants all spring seeds. Water with FINE rose.. not too much. Plant Broad beans mid month until end May. Clean areas. Plants perrenials and continue dividing them. Pot up any left overs for after winter. Can divide groundcovers.. do in evenings and never leave lying around all day. Plant immediately and cut back. Cut back some more on the lavender plats if need to. Order ex-ground roses for delivery June. Divide inca lillies,
Cooler weather… good for transplanting all winter producing seedlings. seedlings and groundcovers, mulch well. Propagate anything that will frost badly. Protect tender pot plants. Plant last of broad beans and winter vege seedlings. Do daisy bush cuttings. Prepare holes for ex-ground roses now.Harvest Jerusalem artichokes and make soup / sauces for winter. Divide them up now
Take stock and enjoy winter bareness . Good time to look at designs and new areas to develop. TOO EARLY TO PRUNE hang in there. Build cold frame or shade house area to work in. Reduce worm food. Collect garlic bulbs ready for planting in July / August ( plant on shortest day and reap on longest is general rule ) Plant ex-ground roses now and into July.